
美国原住民学生会(NASU)是威尼斯人平台的学生俱乐部,旨在支持原住民和非原住民学生. NASU是一个活跃的校园社团, 在校园举办活动, 致力于教育雷德兰兹社区, 互相支持, 并参与其他土著俱乐部.

现任总裁:塞内卡席尔瓦'22 -莫霍克 

现任财务主管:凯特琳克鲁兹'23 -奥卡伊奥温耶 

现任秘书:Ari Quiroz '22 - Tongva 

现任公共关系经理:Leala Pourier '23 - Lakota 



NASU works to provide a collective voice and represent the tribal youth in all matters that concern them; to serve as a means of mobilizing and coordinating the actions of youth, other community members and organizations towards positive goals; to promote the development of future tribal leaders; to help solve problems facing tribal youth; to coordinate school and community service projects and provide opportunities for the youth to interact for fun and fellowship.